What if you were more than your roles in your family, at work and in society? What if you have been living a life perfectly designed to prepare you for work that is much bigger than what you have been doing until now. Indeed what if you, and only you, could do this work and that the impact of this work would touch every corner of the globe?
This work is your Divine Purpose, we all have one, and you are the only one who can discover it fully and live it out in all its glory. This purpose is always magnificent, a growth experience for you and of great service to those you will serve.
However, your purpose will only reveal itself once you know your true nature, and to fulfill your purpose you will need to embody it, which is normally a decades long transformational process. Know Your Purpose greatly accelerates this process by removing the mental (conditioning) and physical (DNA) blocks to your becoming aware of your purpose.
RE-DISCOVER JOY: There is nothing that brings you more joy than remembering why you came here and putting that at the center of your life. Joy is a natural effect of aligning with one's purpose and Know Your Purpose removes all the mental and physical (DNA based) energies that have stifled the subtle callings of your Soul to fulfill the purpose that you chose so long ago. The joy and passion that accompany your alignment will give you the energy and attitude of an unstoppable force!
MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Are there things happening that makes you feel "Someone needs to DO something about that!" Perhaps that someone could be you, but you feel powerless, irrelevant, or victimized which keeps you on the sideline, rather than being the change agent you could be. Often these triggers need to be transformed before your true purpose can become apparent. Know Your Purpose is a 6-week journey of transformation that will remove all energetic distractions from your field so you can get the clarity you need to make the difference you came to make.
FULFILL YOUR POTENTIAL: Ever feel you're not living up to your full potential? If so, that's only because you've yet to find the unique and magnificent purpose that only you can fulfill. Each of us has a totally unique purpose, that only our experiences and energy can provide. You are a magnificent child of the Light, who has been masquerading as much less than your true potential as you've immersed yourself in your humanness, Know Your Purpose awakens you to the challenge you have chosen, for which you have been perfectly prepared.
DISCOVER YOUR GIFTING: All of us have a combination of talents we receive through our DNA and ancestry, and gifting we receive through our Soul. Talents are gifts of the mind and body that, when developed, give us the capacity to perform certain tasks and activities more easily than most others can do so. Gifting, because it comes through the Soul, requires no effort to develop. It is perfectly formed when we become aware of it although, because it will be unfamiliar to us, it is often confusing as to what it is, how to use it, how to benefit from it, and who to share it with. However, Know Your Self has given you the connections you need to get all these answers, so you can joyfully apply your gifting for those you have come to serve.
FIND YOUR NICHE: It is common for people awakening to their purpose to feel they're being called to serve everyone, which is seldom the case. Most of us come to serve some niche that will allow the greatest impact for our Soul's work. There will be a temptation to think too much about who you're here to serve rather than allowing life to show you through the people who are coming synchronistically into your life. Synchronicity is the language of Divine guidance and there are no coincidences. Know Your Purpose allows your spiritual support team to give you experiences that will clearly reveal your niche to you.
• Coming soon
Program Duration: 6 weeks
Program Overview: Explore a new transformative module each week, delving into varied topics that facilitate 24x7 energy transformation. Choose from our flexible coaching options: email-only, group sessions, or personalized 1:1 coaching.
Program Value: Know Your Purpose offers unparalleled 24x7 "behind-the-scenes" transformation processes that bring exceptional value. To achieve similar results elsewhere, you'd need about 1,008 hourly sessions, totaling $100,800 at a conservative rate of $100 per hour.
Investment Options: Tailored to your budget and coaching preference:
Email Coaching: Weekly email exchanges with your coach.
Group Coaching: Engage in a weekly group session.
1:1 Coaching: Receive personalized attention in weekly sessions.
Payment Flexibility: We offer convenient payment plans.
Are you ready to start your transformative journey of purpose? Take the first step by booking a Strategy Session with Amy.