When you and your business are aligned with the Flow, you will be provided with the ideas, connections and opportunities you need to succeed in all areas of your life and business at the highest possible levels. However, only a relatively small fraction of the population embody the abundance consciousness needed to maximize the success of their businesses.
Enlightened Wealth is designed to transform all roots of survival, scarcity and limitation consciousness back to what is most loving and wise for you, so your business can expand to its
full potential and thrive on an ongoing basis, no matter the business environment. This includes fully embodying your birthright of wealth so that you experience it as your natural state.
TRANSFORM WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS: Wealth consciousness is usually defined as how one thinks in relation to material wealth. However, enlightened wealth expands this to include fulfillment in all respects, including material wealth but also including fulfilling work, loving relationships with family and friends, and the unsinkable knowing that you are living in a world where your needs are always met. You can summon the results you desire, and there's therefore always a surplus of whatever you could want or need, more than enough to share with others whose lives aren't yet reflecting this abundance mindset. Enlightened Wealth transforms all consciousness you have held that conflicts with this more holistic perspective, allowing you to experience and share from the abundant surplus this creates.
IMPROVE INVESTMENT RETURNS: When you are guided by Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love, you have a considerable advantage over those investing from just their human perspective. However, in order to experience the full benefits of this, you will need to embody true abundance consciousness, which means having no fear of loss, just a knowing that all is well. This gives you the fortitude to ignore market turbulence caused by the emotional roller-coaster of collective consciousness. Enlightened Wealth eliminates scarcity based thinking, including fear of loss, leading to your selecting profitable investments that are run from love not fear, and for the benefit of all involved.
LIVE FREELY: When you know that all is well in every fiber of your being, that you easily attract whatever you desire that's loving for you, and that living in surplus is your natural state, you no longer feel any attachment to material possessions, and don't fear or regret their loss. Enlightened Wealth frees you from feeling burdened by material possessions and allows you to focus on enjoying your life experiences, sharing them with those you love, and sharing what you have learned with others who would like to live their lives in freedom, joy and peace of mind.
TRANSFORM YOUR FAMILY'S CONSCIOUSNESS: Because all our modular programs transform at the level of your DNA, and DNA communicates with others' DNA through resonance, what transforms within you will also be transformed within your family members. By transforming your consciousness using all of these programs, you are bringing your wife, children and descendants with you into the consciousness of enlightened wealth, creating a ripple effect that will share enlightened wealth with all affected by your and their activities and energy for generations to come.
TRANSFORM YOUR COMMUNITY: Enlightened Wealth includes awareness of our inter-connectedness with all others, including non-family members and all living beings. Those who take Enlightened Wealth become conduits for guidance that will benefit not just themselves and their families, but also their local and wider communities in whatever ways align with their chosen life purpose. There is much need for enlightened leaders who lead from love, are connected with Divine guidance, and who can consciously create the visions they receive.
• Coming soon
Program Duration: 6 weeks
Program Overview: Explore a new transformative module each week, delving into varied topics that facilitate 24x7 energy transformation. Choose from our flexible coaching options: email-only, group sessions, or personalized 1:1 coaching.
Program Value: Enlightened Wealth offers unparalleled 24x7 "behind-the-scenes" transformation processes that bring exceptional value. To achieve similar results elsewhere, you'd need about 1,008 hourly sessions, totaling $100,800 at a conservative rate of $100 per hour.
Investment Options: Tailored to your budget and coaching preference:
Email Coaching: Weekly email exchanges with your coach.
Group Coaching: Engage in a weekly group session.
1:1 Coaching: Receive personalized attention in weekly sessions.
Payment Flexibility: We offer convenient payment plans.
Are you ready to start your transformative journey of wealth? Take the first step by booking a Strategy Session with Amy.