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Amy Blakeslee

Welcome to Calm Ocean Coaching!

Welcome to Calm Ocean Coaching and to my very first blog post! I am super excited to have this opportunity to connect with you. I am honored to be a part of your transformational journey in expanding your consciousness to become a better leader and I am here to help you succeed in every aspect of your life.

Yes, you are on your way to becoming an expanded version of yourself and are gaining an awareness of what a truly powerful person you are.

Even if you are not consciously aware of it yet, attracting Calm Ocean Coaching to you is all the evidence you need to confirm this.

In this blog, I will explore many topics related to Conscious Leadership as well as what I am learning on my own journey.

Even if you are not a current client of Calm Ocean Coaching, think of me as your personal coach in Conscious Leadership and life energy transformation.

I myself experienced significant growth thanks to my coaches and teachers. We are all continuously evolving and I will be sharing what I am learning as I further expand my own consciousness.

I am excited to announce that I am also working on my first book, 'Awakening Through Anxiety: A Journey to Finding One's True Self' set to be published this fall. It combines my life story with some of the techniques we use at Calm Ocean Coaching to help heal past traumas and clear the blocks that stop of us from getting what we want in life.

My childhood was full of many adverse experiences. While we all experience some sort of trauma and suffering in our life, I believe that I experienced more than most people (but also less than some others). My hope in sharing my story is that people who are looking to heal from their own painful situations will find inspiration and develop confidence in their own abilities to heal.

If I did it, so can you! We are all truly powerful and have limitless potential.

I know firsthand that transformation comes much faster when you work 1:1 with a coach. A coach will help you define your goals and lay out the right path to achieving them. They help you stay committed to your commitment.

At Calm Ocean Coaching, we also use a very powerful form of life energy coaching to accelerate your transformation. You will experience positive results in just one Calm Ocean Coaching session but you can completely change your life when you complete our programs.

Having worked for 3 decades in the corporate world, I know firsthand the stress and anxiety that all workers face and the levels are especially high for leaders. There is so much pressure to do more with less and to meet what feels like unrealistic targets.

People spend more time at work than anywhere else and are expected to be available 24x7x365. Even when they are not at the office, they are expected to instantly respond to the never-ending stream of emails and texts. This puts strain on their personal lives, only adding to the stress and anxiety coming from the workplace.

It doesn't have to be like this. Stress and anxiety can be a thing of the past and I am living proof of this. I used to experience debilitating anxiety thanks to the unhealed traumas from my childhood. The workplace only further intensified the feelings.

However, through my own transformation, I have been able to eliminate anxiety and you can, too. Stress and anxiety can be a thing of the past. It is my mission to help leaders create phenomenal results while feeling peaceful and calm on the inside.

I am looking forward to discussing this topic more in future blog posts.

Until next time,



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